Snapshot of HARVEY blood flow modeling code simulation showing deformable red blood cells moving through a section of scanned human arterial system. Simulation used a spatial resolution of 1 micron, with each red blood cell represented using 320 triangular finite elements, run on the Vulcan Blue Gene/Q system. —Randles/Draeger/Krauss
The Laboratory's Multiprogrammatic and Institutional Computing (M&IC) Program brings tailored, cost-effective classified and unclassified computing services to LLNL programs and scientists.
The Livermore Computing Center (LC) is primarily funded through the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) and M&IC Programs. Because M&IC represents a broadening of services to multiple programs and to institutional users, such as Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) researchers, there are two related thrusts:
- Multiprogrammatic Computing provides options for any non-LDRD effort to utilize LC in a cost-effective manner by purchasing a substantial block of time.
- Institutional Computing grants researchers, independent of programmatic connection, access to institutional computer time, including LDRD, Grand Challenges, and others approved by the Deputy Director of S&T. A special category of institutional computing is the Grand Challenge Program, which allocates significant capability resources to push the boundaries of high performance computing and simulation.
M&IC and the Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP) have worked together to make LLNL a premier institution for computational and simulation science. Such standing is vital to the continued success of LLNL science programs and to the recruitment and retention of top scientists. M&IC constantly works at balancing investments to meet the widespread demand for capacity computing and provide cost-effective capability platforms. In fielding computing platforms and advanced data assessment capabilities, M&IC leverages the investments of the SSP for the mutual benefit of the SSP, other programs, and LLNL.
Through strong and consistent LLNL investments, M&IC's computing resources are used across LLNL to push the limits of computing and its application to simulation science. Through these efforts, LLNL has become a premier laboratory in simulation science, which has resulted in world-class scientific insight and has facilitated the recruitment and retention of leading physical and computer scientists. All LLNL programs and projects are bolstered through these efforts and provide LLNL scientists with access to world-class systems.
See our M&IC flyer for a concise overview of the M&IC Program.
19th Annual Computing Grand Challenge Call for Proposals Due August 28
The Computing Directorate has issued a call for proposals for projects requiring significant unclassified computing resource allocations (greater than 25,000 node-hours/year) on institutional capability systems for up to one year.
See the our Grand Challenge page for more details.